That’s Interesting – April 2022

Welcome to That’s Interesting - the April edition. This month we share stunning examples of what happens when physical and digital experiences truly merge, along with links to some of the most creative practitioners in this space.

Most Interesting

(1 min watch)

The people of Austin really did think there was alien invasion


(1 min Read)

Simple, clever, useful event app function.

(2 min Explore)

Awesome UK-based projection mapping / LED studio

(2 min Explore)

Blurring the boundary between film, theatre and gaming

(1 min Watch)

Interesting how integral the sound is to the experience

(2 min Explore)

Beautiful blending of art and data

(2 min Read)

It’s an old quote but pertinent nonetheless


A fascinating miniature art exhibition
Dive into the vibrant palettes of the most renowned Mexican artists of the 20th century

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